4 November, 2011

New Reader? Start at the beginning.

After the commotion has died down, Talia nods at Brother Landrau.

"It seems to me that the gods are a part of nature, same as the rest of us. That don't mean all they do is for the good, but I'll judge their followers on what they do, not who they worship. And I'd say you have just done a fine thing for my friend here."

"But now it is time I was leaving. Elendil, are you coming with me, or would you rather rest here? And Brother Landrau, I go to hunt these...these goblins, for they are not of nature and must be slain. If you share that opinion you'd be welcome to join me." She grins in challenge. "If you can keep up, that is."

With or without the others, Talia is eager to be off, to rid her senses of the smell of civilisation. Heading first for the place where she found evidence of the goblin's passing, she will point out the trail, both to the snake and whoever else is with her. She hopes that she will be able to make her wishes known to her new-found scaly friend, that she wants the snake to follow the trail, though not so fast that she cannot follow. But if gestures do not suffice - for after all, communicating with a snake in such a way is very different to giving orders to a dog or a horse - then, putting a hand to its head, she will speak directly to it with her thoughts, mind to mind (speak with animals). And then, with luck, they are off...


Elendil flexes his leg and smiles. He nods and accepts the armor from the stablehand. "Thank you," he says meekly, "Thank you both. I do not know how to thank you. I will not be able to repay you until my friends return with the Countess. Thank Kronnor for the mercy that you have shown me. I will do what I can to repay you for your kindness."

"I knew that the creatures were not elves. I have met elves in the wilderness, I was in awe of their nobility. I hope that I may one day see them again."

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