29 November, 2011

New Reader? Start at the beginning.

Med does not have the proper equipment to go climbing around a snow covered mountain and he's reasonably sure Pral doesn't either. He would also wager that neither does Sir Nills. Med and Pral had also agreed to help Talia and Elendil upon returning with the Countess to the Inn.

Med leans towards the center of the table he and his three companions share, careful not to knock over anything or get anything on his robes.

"I believe we should investigate these goblin beasts and their lair. Climbing around on a frozen mountain searching for who knows what without proper gear is foolish."

With a quick look around Med points at Sir Nills over his shoulder with his thumb and says quietly.

"We could send Sir Nills back to Featherstone with the Countess as protection for that journey, and have him return here with some warmer clothing, ropes, rations, and oil. Everything that we'd need to do some proper exploring on The Scimitar. That should take him three or four days, which should give us time to look into the goblin's lair you found. We'll make Thumbs happy, the locals happy, the Harmonic Brotherhood happy, maybe find a bit of treasure, and then have our next adventure already waiting for us with Sir Nills. The only one who will not be happy is the Countess, and from what I've seen the last few days she is never happy anyways. I've said my piece and will listen to what everyone thinks we should do next."

Med looks around the inn to see if anyone might have overheard his say. Reasonably assured that they have been left to make their own choice he glances around the inn to see if he can see any brightly colored fabric or scarves. Maybe he'll have to discuss the mountain lion with Talia after dinner and their choices have been made, getting her input about the world of wild things may be valuable.


[To Elendil]: "I know you are eager to find elves, and if I can then I'll help you. However, I have heard nothing more than rumours of them, and seen no trace of their presence in my travels. But how about we make a deal? You help me find and kill the goblins, and cleanse the land of their foulness, and in return I'll speak with the creatures of the wild, and see if any of them can discover anything of the elves."

[To Med]: "Call me dense if you want, but I'm not sure I see what the prophecy has to do with the Scimitar? And I've definitely no desire to help out the Countess. But that said, if you'll help me destroy the goblins, then I'll happily go with you on whatever path you wish." She wrinkles her nose, frowning. "Well, as long as it doesn't lead to civilisation, anyway."

"The lion's actions do not seem any it would make of its own accord. So I would think that either it was bidden to take the scarf by another, or perhaps it was not in truth a lion at all, but rather one transformed into the appearance of one. It's size would also suggest that this was no natural creature, or at least, not wholly so. Either way, I do hope we come upon it again, I would love to speak with it."

[To the snake]: While whiling away the afternoon waiting for the return of her companions, Talia goes softly down to the clearing where she found the snake. If it has gone its own way, then so much the better. But if not, and it wishes to help her, then - casting speak with animals - she asks whether it knows anything of the elves Elendil is so keen to find, and, if not, whether it could seek to find out.

John: I've taken the liberty of assuming that Talia prayed for her spells on the morning of her day off, leaving her with:

  • Entangle
  • Entangle
  • Speak with Animals
  • Speak with Animals - now cast on the snake.
If that couldn't or didn't happen, let me know! Also, in the afternoon she will refill her herb bag with anything useful she can find.


Med, leans in close to the table once again after hearing Talia's opinion.

"The prophecy the Oracle foretold is supposed to begin with a search of the Scimitar. A daunting task, with the rugged terrain making it even more so. I believe it best to be undertaken with the proper equipment and with the proper level of respect. Freezing to death or becoming a cripple on a poorly planned and equipped expedition is not something that I wish to be a part of. As for the mountain lion, it most definitely was more then a mere kitty. I understood the beast's thoughts as well as it's owner while in it's presence and I hope to remain in both of their favor. Talia, would you think that an intelligent beast would still have the instincts of the beast it is or was? If so we might have to find a really really large ball of yarn should we seek it's favor."

With a smile Med sits back in his chair, hoping that Pral or Elendil will make their thoughts known shortly.


Elendil takes a swig of more decent wine than the mushroom concoction and nods, "Having been a cripple not too long ago, I fully agree with Med, we need to make sure that we have the right equipment and a good idea of what we are going to face. I believe Thumbs said that brother Landrau was wanting to support any endeavor to clear the area of goblins. I would welcome his presence and whatever other assets we can turn to our advantage."

Elendil smiles to Talia. "I will stand by you in whatever task you wish to undertake. I'm sure that if there are any elves in the area, they will make themselves known before too long."


Pral resolutely maintains his silence whilst the others debate on what their options are. He sips his drink and thinks about the next snack. He does not understand all of what is being said, but hears the earnest tone of Med but is also slightly swayed by the gentle tone of Talia. As Med explains his reasoning and says "Freezing to death or becoming a cripple on a poorly planned and equipped expedition is not something that I wish to be a part of." Pral knows this is something he understands and pats Med on the shoulder and says "Yes, Med speaks wise, I think I shall stay by his side."

He glances at each before sipping his drink again and feeling pleased with himself that he demonstrated such wisdom and showed the others he could decide his part of the path the party should take.

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