23 November, 2011

New Reader? Start at the beginning.

Med, suitably impressed at Pral's gift and favor by Vexia, remarks to him as they descend the stairs, "Pral, my friend. I will never again misjudge you when you see writings. I or any of our friends would be happy to help you make sense of them."

Med formulates a bit of a plan as they descend the stairs, as there's nothing else that requires his attention. He thinks to himself, that should a battle occur, Sir Nills will be the recipient of Med's enlarge spell. Med will then keep a careful eye on that ring to see if and where it might go during the growth caused by the spell. During the heat of battle, it should be easy enough to pick up and hide in his boot with no one the wiser and if he would be asked for it he would return it as he was really just keeping it safe. With a smile at his plan, he adjusts his pack and continues down the stairs with a bit more spring in his step.

Matt: Was my guess at the unknown spell correct?

Game Master

Ben: Your guess seems plausible, but further experimentation may be the only way to tell for sure...


Pral looks bemused at what has just happened. He sees Med next to him and hears the kind words. Pral thinks that he can trust Med as much as anyone.

"Med, I am not good at understanding all these fancy people and what they say. That woman wants me to come back and take council, but I am not sure I should." He looks distant as he obviously gathers his thoughts after the mammoth speech.

"I was just trying to fit in when I pointed to the writing. I didn't want you to look silly. I want you to help me in places like that please Med, in return you can be assured Pral will watch your back and protect you." The big friendly grin crosses his face and he puts a friendly arm about Med's shoulder and hugs him in a matey fashion, which nearly knocks the breath from Med! "I need breakfast! let's go and eat, even if I have to carry us both back to the inn. I'll make you a dragon-choker sandwich!"

Pral strides off down the trail, all the troubles in his world now erased; Med will advise him and explain things, Pral will protect Med. Easy, and therefore its time to eat.

Not many people would think that anyone would live in a world so simple, but not many had met Pral.

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