11 November, 2011

New Reader? Start at the beginning.

The sensible thing to do, Talia knows, is to head back to the inn and wait for their companions, so they can return later to explore together. And certainly not to crawl blindly into a dark and goblin-inhabited tunnel which was very probably blocked for a good reason rather than by blind chance. But on the other hand, she considers, who ever had any fun doing the sensible thing?

Looking to Elendil and Landrau, then, she raises an eyebrow. "Well? I don't reckon I fancy going in there alone, but it seems a shame to give up after having come this far. So do you want to take a look with me? Or shall we go back and wait until the others can join us?"

Game Master

Brother Landrau seems hesitant about the idea of crawling into the hole right at this moment. "Sometimes courage must rule and at other times prudence," he declares, "I have responsibilities to my order to consider." Looking about he says, "If we work together, we could roll that stone over there in front of the entrance. I think a goblin trying to climb out from within would have a terrible time pushing it away."

Reluctantly, Talia agrees. The stone in question turns out to be heavier than expected. It takes half an hour of straining for the three to maneuver it in between the two big boulders. Once there, it slides into place with a satisfying crunch. There is no way a goblin is going to move that stone from below and it blocks the entrance almost perfectly. Even from the outside it will require some significant leverage to move it again.

Having struggled all morning to arrive at this destination by the short path, you decide to return by a longer, but much easier route. The road, with its switchbacks, easily covers twice the distance of your earlier path, but it is gently sloped and, of course, you aren't try to follow a subtle track. Within an hour, you find yourselves back at the inn.

Talia returns alone to the stream where she found the snake. She eases it back into the little brook with words of thanks and then turns to leave. The snake immediately follows her. After several attempts to leave it behind, she is finally forced to cast Speak with Animals again and order it to stay put. Though she makes no such promise, the snake seems convinced that she'll return for it soon. It coils up on a rock to enjoy the afternoon sun, and Talia finally takes her leave.

By the time she reaches the inn again, Brother Landrau has already left to return to his order. Elendil is sitting on the front porch with his feet up on the railing. He stares absently at the mountains to the south, lost in his own thoughts.

Ben: Unless I hear otherwise, I'll assume these two characters will stay the night at the inn and hang around tomorrow waiting for their friends to return. After that, there will be some decisions to make...


Elendil looks up, and smiles easily. "Brother Landrau said I should tell you goodbye." he begins, "That seemed to be a poorly spent morning." he says with some uneasiness. "There are elves in this area, I know there are. I have not yet found their tracks, but I have not given up looking." He cocks his head to the side for a moment. "Perhaps your greater knowledge of the forest and its creatures could tell me more.”

Here ends Chapter Two.

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