1 December, 2011

New Reader? Start at the beginning.

"Damn," Talia mutters. "If they've escaped..."

Still, they may yet be within, and if not, she found their trail once, so she can do it again. Her customary good humour restored at the thought, she turns to the others. "Well, looks like someone has saved us the bother of opening up the cave. Shall we take a look?”

John: I'm taking the liberty of assuming that Talia spent her usual pre-dawn hour in prayer and has her spells restored. If not, let me know. Her items, such as they are, are as follows:

  • Leather Armour
  • Soft Boots
  • Stone Knife (1-4s/m /1-3 l, may break if used in combat)
  • Sling (1-4 s/m/l)
  • 32 Sling stones
  • Leather Backpack
  • Small Belt pouch (containing a dozen or so of the sling stones)
  • Money pouch (containing a surprising amount of cash for a Druid!)
  • Sleeping Blanket
  • Sack of Herbs, Roots, etc.
  • Waterskin
  • 5 days of Iron Rations (no meat)


Pral sees everyone else making preparations so he buys a warmer blanket and some hard boots. Oh and a lamp and 2 more oils.

That should do he thinks and gladly follows the others.

Concealed in his pack are two 'dragon-chokers' that he managed to sweet-talk out of the kitchen staff at the inn.


Matt: Med's gear:

  • Weapons: Dagger/Darts(19) - proficient in darts
  • Clothes: belt,boots high hard,boots high soft,cloak,robes,hat
  • Items: backpack,case - bone map scroll, large belt pouch,small belt pouch*2,waterskin,tinder box,sack large,sack small*2,ironrations(1week),10 tallow candles,18 cigars,rags for bandaging.

We could be hurting on torches and rope after looking at Talia's load and Med's.

Since they are going into a lair or cave system Med will memorize Spider Climb, it seems a better fit then Enlarge or his mystery spell.

Shopping List for Sir Nills (feel free to expand with things Med forgot, it was late when he wrote it and he was tired after studying his spell. He was so tired he didn't even have his evening cigar.)

  • 100' rope per person
  • 1 set Warm/Winter clothing per person
  • 3 hooded lanterns
  • 1 pick axe
  • 1 shovel
  • Iron rations - 2 weeks per person
  • 2 barrels of oil
  • 3 grappling hooks
  • 1 barrel of drinking water
  • 2 donkeys to carry the items.

[To Talia's question as they are traveling to the Goblin Lair]: Med coughs softly behind his hand, and smiles at what Talia has astutely pointed out. "You are of course quite correct Talia, I make no habit of living amongst the wild animals and enjoying long conversations with them. Magics beyond our means are mysteries only to us mortals who never try to attain them. The fun for mortals and the gods alike, I suppose, is in the solving of those mysteries. Is it not? Rest assured, I will leave the conversing with animals in your more then capable hands."

Med spends the remainder of the hike to the lair in thought about Sir Nills. He's concerned that the man could lead those who follow him to their demise. He seemed, to Med, to lack the ability to think for himself or to formulate a plan and that has him deeply worried. It's as if the man was so focused for all of those years to earn employment or favor from the Countess that now that he has accomplished that he has no idea of how to do anything else. He at least listened to reason and did not blindly charge off into the wilderness, Med hopes that as Sir Nills finds himself that the trait remains. Med resolves himself to keeping a thoughtful eye on the man and his choices once he's in his company again.

Upon hearing that the goblin caves are no longer sealed Med is a bit worried. Talia's suggestion to just head straight away into the caves gets an involuntary “are you crazy???” look from Med before he quickly wipes any trace of it from his face. He's not sure if Talia caught that look before he was able to hide it though. With a bit of a nervous cough behind his hand Med offers up, "Another option would be to take a moment or two and look around for signs showing where the occupants of that lovely hole in the rock face have gotten off to. While those of us more skilled with tracking wild things were doing that the rest of us could gather the materials for a few torches, even though it rained hard last night there should be some dry tinder about hiding under some of these rocks I would think."

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